Silicon Valley Diets

Silicon Valley Diets

Anyone who has spent time around the Bay Area quickly learns that Silicon Valley isn’t Hollywood. We aren’t famous for our beautiful, glamorous people. Nobody ever said to themselves: “I wish I could have a Silicon Valley body, like Reid Hoffman has.” Which is why it’s so bizarre to me that a Google search for “Silicon Valley diet” comes up with over 11 million results.

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Solving a Scientist’s Dilemma – Dealing with Poor Research Equipment & Lab Management

Back in 2015, I met Tom Ruginis through one of our corporate housing locations in Mountain View, California. Throughout the years, I’ve encountered many entrepreneurs passing through, but I’m drawn to those making a genuine impact. I enjoy spotlighting those who find profitable solutions to real-world problems, even in less glamorous industries—these are the businesses that truly deserve our attention. Tom Ruginis is one such entrepreneur, and I’d like to introduce you to how he’s bringing incredible value to scientists and labs across the United States.

Who the Hell is Jürgen Furian & Andreas Tschas?

Back in 2014, my corporate housing company had the unique opportunity to host Jürgen Furian and his team during their visit to Mountain View, California. One day, they took over half of the house, and we spent several evenings enjoying beers on the back patio. They were an incredibly fun group, but I soon realized they were also up to something big. They were driving a major initiative to boost Europe’s innovation in the new economy. I felt compelled to share their inspiring story.